Monday, February 4, 2008

Monsters and Tendinitis

I got back from my dance competition late on Saturday with full-blown tendinitis...but we did kick ass in NYC. YEEEAH! Due to my condition, the monsters are a little shaky, but completed nevertheless--and done with a brush line, in order to make Jeff a happy little camper. Although I'm SURE he'll find something to complain about. (Like the fact that I didn't fix the linework on last weeks piece). Oh vell. As for the story behind this piece...the idea is that this hideous monster woke up and was walking down the hallway when this cute little guy attached himself to his leg. You can imagine the rest of the story- and while you're at it...illustrate it for me so I don't end up with crepitus by the end of the week. Thanks so much for your help. NOT

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